View Full Version : Sundar Pichai says free and open web is enduring an onslaught all around the world

07-14-2021, 11:24 AM
Letters in order and Google CEO Sundar Pichai has cautioned that free and open web is enduring an onslaught all around the world and a few countries are confining the progression of data.

In a meeting with the BBC, he said that numerous nations are limiting the progression of data, and the model is frequently underestimated.

He didn't allude to China straightforwardly however said: "None of our significant items and administrations are accessible in China."

Pichai clarified that the obligation of guiding the fate of the web ought not be an onus of an individual "yet rather an aggregate research organization that plots the course forward while considering the essential mainstays of the free web".

He said that man-made brainpower is more significant than fire, power or the web.

02-16-2022, 12:12 PM
Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai has warned that free and open internet is under attack globally and several nations are restricting the flow of information.

In an interview with the BBC, he said that many countries are restricting the flow of information, and the model is often taken for granted.

He didn't refer to China directly but said: "None of our major products and services are available in China."

Pichai made it clear that the responsibility of steering the future of the internet should not be an onus of an individual "but rather a collective think tank that plots the course forward while taking into account the foundational pillars of the free internet".