View Full Version : Understand the future of data and marketing at the DataIQ Future Summit

09-19-2013, 04:26 PM
LATEST NEWS - Keynote programme now confirmed - click here for details (http://internetworld.ubm-info.com/c/18fsaokMlCZhkCmC9S3R4h2BcC)
The DataIQ Future Summit provides help in one unique, strategic event. Now in its third year, it has established itself as the “ must attend” one-day summit for senior directors, department heads and other data and marketing professionals who are tasked with creating plans that are agile, intelligent, deliverable and profitable.
We are pleased to announce our "best ever" keynote programme enabling you to identify the cutting edge of technology and understand future social trends including:

Tom Chatfield, author of “How to thrive in the digital age” and BBCcolumnist
Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer, advertising and online, Microsoft
Aden Davies, Social Media Specialist, HSBC
Michal Kosinski, Cambridge UniversityPsychometrics Centre
Gill Whitehead, Director of Audience Technology and Insight at Channel 4
Thomas Power, Head of Communities at Google+ Business Network.
Colin Grieves, Director, ExperianMarketing Services
Moritz Godel, Associate Director of London Economics