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Thread: Call Of Duty Mobile

  1. #1

    Call Of Duty Mobile

    Call of Duty Mobile will be available for everyone from October 1. The game will be available on both Android and iOS, and is a rival to PUBG MOBILE.

    call of duty.jpg

    It has been a few months since Call of Duty Mobile came in on Android under the closed beta testing phase and was available only for a short period of time before it was taken off. However, publisher Tencent Games is now going to bring the online multiplayer shooting game very soon to both the Android and iOS platforms. And this time, it will stay forever as it is coming under the stable build.

    In an official post via social media, the Call of Duty Mobile team had announced a few days ago that the stable version of Call of Duty Mobile is coming soon to both Android and iOS platforms. The game will be available for download via the Play Store and App Store, and it should be there for free. The game shares its DNA with PUBG MOBILE, which is also published by Tencent Games.
    While in closed beta, we tried out Call of Duty Mobile and despite being similar to PUBG MOBILE, there were a lot of things that's new for players. The game brings some of the characteristic COD elements from the popular PC titles of the past. And, it also adds its own flair in the mix.

    Call of Duty Mobile is in essence quite similar to PUBG MOBILE but it offers the online shooting experience with a classic COD-style twist that we have seen previously in the PC.
    Players will get to experience many multiplayer modes. The game will offer a choice between ranked or unranked matches. Underneath that, you can choose between classic COD-style missions such as Search and Destroy, Team Deathmatch, Free for All, Domination, Hardpoint and Frontline.

    Similar to PUBG MOBILE, there's also a battle royale mode in COD Mobile. And as usual, a total of 100 players will jump in an abandoned map together and then fight it out to be the last one standing. Players can either be the lone ranger fighting against everyone or they can choose to go out with a group of four.

  2. #2
    Now Its Bang Bang Time Again The Call Of Duty Will Come With Lots Of New Features, Advance Wapen, New Map. Gamers Will Have The Option To Play In Duo, Solo Or Even Set Up Quad-Player Teams. Throughout The Game, You Will Get In-Game Items Such As Helicopter, Atvs Or Tactical Raft Across Land, Cod Mobile Allows Users To Switch Between Third-Person Perspective And First-Person Perspective. Same Like The PUBG.

  3. #3

    At the end of the day someone has to make the enemies scared of the dark.” – Captain Price, Modern Warfare

    One of the many new features within Modern Warfare’s Multiplayer is NVG Mode, where you will play on map variants that require you to go into combat in near-total darkness. On these night map variants, the only sources of light are artificial, which is why your Operator comes prepared with Night Vision Goggles (AKA NVGs).

    You may have already experienced NVG Mode if you played the Modern Warfare Beta. But for those who haven’t, or who want to celebrate the spooky season with NVG, we’re here to help you become a true terror in the night.

    At the beginning of a match, your Night Vision Goggles will be turned on. You can take them off, or put them back on again, by pressing and holding the same command used to reload (by default).

    While wearing Night Vision Goggles, the world will be seen as tints of green, as the technology within the goggles amplifies light – including invisible infrared light – to give the wearer enough light to see in the dark.

    These goggles are important to your success in NVG Mode and, in most cases, should remain on throughout the match.

  4. #4
    Call of Duty: Mobile has published November 1 Community Update on Reddit detailing new additions in the game. The community update reveals that the game will continue the ongoing Halloween event and introduce new limited-time game modes, challenges, and the Airborne Chip.

  5. #5
    Our lead writer chronicles his journey in Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare®, beginning with a visit to Campaign and an invite to an offline Gunfight event

  6. #6
    Call of Duty: Mobile: 5 best guns

    Assault Rifle – AK-47
    Sniper Rifle – DL Q33
    SMG – PDW-57
    LMG – S36
    Shotgun – HS2126

  7. #7
    Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® released an update of new FREE content on November 8. This release is packed with free-to-play content that includes the ‘Shoot House’ Multiplayer map, a new Ground War map called ‘Krovnik Farmland,’ and the return of a classic Call of Duty mode: Hardpoint.

    The entire update, including Hardpoint is free for all platforms. Get ready: this hyper-popular game of area control makes for nail-biting Multiplayer matches. Read on to refresh your Hardpoint knowledge and pick up our favorite tactics for holding the hardpoints down.

  8. #8
    Another big Call of Duty Modern Warfare update has been promised to fans; this time focused on fixing challenges and officer progression bugs.
    The news was confirmed by COD Community Managers, who have yet to give a full release date.
    All we know, for now, is that a new Call of Duty update is being tested and is scheduled for launch this week.

  9. #9

    Operation: Rank Up Report #3

    Day 21 – 14:04:26 PST

    Somewhere in California

    AGB – Lead Writer

    Since my last Rank Up Report was posted, I’ve spent all week exploring the new community content – the first of many in Modern Warfare.

    As my player rank will be well into the triple digits after a few more hours of playtime, here’s how I experienced this new content and how you can continue to improve across all that it has to offer.
    One of the first things I did right when the update hit was check out Shoot House in its special Shoot House 24/7 Playlist. I already appreciate a good moshpit – there are a couple of Quick Play filters I’ve made to create my own unique playlists – but this 24/7 playlist was a serious blast.

    With a mix of Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Domination, and Headquarters game modes on Shoot House (and only Shoot House), this playlist gave me tons of experience with this fast, frenetic, and fun map.

    If you want a complete breakdown of Shoot House feel free to check out the Tactical Map Guide, but here are a few quick tips I wrote down after sinking hours into it.

  10. #10
    Call of Duty Mobile Zombies mode releasing this week

    Activision will release Call of Duty: Mobile’s Zombies mode on Friday November 22 (Pacific Standard Time).

    “That new Battle Pass will be filled with new loot, new gear, and plenty of ways to make you stand-out, or blend in, on the battlefield.

    “On top of that there will be a variety of new content coming out around that same update, like controller support, new limited time modes, and a new classic map.”

    The new map in question is Summit, which originally appeared in Call of Duty: Black Ops and was remastered for later games in the series.

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