Mobile games face various challenges and issues, some of which include:

Monetization and In-App Purchases (IAPs):
Many mobile games rely on free-to-play models with in-app purchases. This can lead to a "pay-to-win" scenario, where those who spend more money have a significant advantage.

Quality and Originality:
There's a perception that many mobile games lack originality and depth. A large number of games are often clones or follow popular trends, making it challenging to stand out.

Device Fragmentation:
The Android ecosystem, in particular, has a wide range of devices with varying specifications. This fragmentation can make it challenging for developers to optimize games for all devices, leading to compatibility issues.

With millions of apps on app stores, getting noticed is a significant challenge. Many high-quality games struggle to gain visibility amidst the sheer volume of content.

Short Attention Spans:
Mobile users often have shorter attention spans, and games need to capture their interest quickly. This can limit the complexity and depth of mobile game experiences.

Technical Limitations:
Mobile devices, compared to PCs or consoles, often have less powerful hardware. This limitation can restrict the graphics, complexity, and scale of mobile games.

User Interface Challenges:
The touch-based interface on mobile devices can be limiting for certain types of games, and some genres may not translate well to the small screen.

Battery and Performance Concerns:
Intensive graphics and constant connectivity can drain a mobile device's battery quickly. Balancing performance with power consumption is a constant challenge for mobile game developers.

Dependency on App Stores:
Mobile games are highly dependent on app stores for distribution. Changes in algorithms or policies can significantly impact a game's visibility and success.

Cheating and Security Concerns:
Mobile games are susceptible to cheating, hacking, and other security concerns. Developers must implement robust security measures to protect the integrity of the gaming experience.

Regulatory Challenges:
Different regions may have varying regulations regarding the content of games. Adhering to these regulations while maintaining creative freedom can be challenging for developers.

Addressing these challenges requires a combination of creative game design, effective marketing strategies, and adapting to the evolving landscape of mobile gaming.