A WHOIS checker is a tool that allows users to look up the registration details of a domain name. By entering a domain name into a whois checker tool, you can find information such as:

Domain Owner: The name and contact details of the individual or organization that owns the domain.
Registrar: The company through which the domain is registered.
Registration Dates: Information about when the domain was created, updated, and when it will expire.
Nameservers: The DNS servers associated with the domain.
Status: The current status of the domain (e.g., active, expired, locked).

How to Use a WHOIS Checker

Visit a WHOIS checker website: There are many free WHOIS lookup tools available online, such as ICANN WHOIS, WHOIS.net, and others.
Enter the domain name: Type in the domain you want to check.
Submit the query: Click on the search button to retrieve the information.
Review the results: Analyse the registration details provided.

Why Use a WHOIS Checker?

Verify Domain Ownership: Essential for assessing the credibility of a domain.
Check Expiration Dates: Useful for businesses looking to acquire a domain.
Investigate Competitors: Can provide insights into competitors' domain strategies.
Understand Domain History: Helps to see if a domain has changed ownership frequently or has a problematic past.